\date 12 August 1985< \fromname Barbara N. Beeton\\ Computer Services Division<

\toname Users of AMS cyrillic in \TeX<

\longsub \TeX82 Cyrillic input instructions< \shortsub \TeX82 Cyrillic input<


The AMS cyrillic fonts have been designed so that input using the “new” (post-1982) Math.~Reviews cyrillic transliteration will be converted directly to cyrillic text. An alternate input form is available for most cyrillic letters which are not transliterated by the equivalent single roman letters. Numerals and punctuation follow the normal input conventions for roman. Cyrillic is indicated to \TeX\ by the command |{\cyr...|.

The table below is in alphabetical order as given in the table published in the 1983 MR Author Index. The three paired columns contain:\ \ % (1)~cyrillic; (2)~transliteration-style input; (3)~alternate input, if any.


\parindent=0pt \parskip=0pt \baselineskip=15pt

\newbox\BoxA \newbox\BoxB

\def\TwoUp{\centerline{% \valign{##\vfil\cr \box\BoxA\cr \noalign{\hfil\vrule\hfil \box\BoxB\cr

\newbox\TestBox \setbox\TestBox=\hbox{\quad\cyr Zh \newdimen\cyrwd \cyrwd=\wd\TestBox \setbox\TestBox=\hbox{\enskip\tt xCdprime \newdimen\ttawd \ttawd=\wd\TestBox \setbox\TestBox=\hbox{\enskip\tt N0 \newdimen\ttbwd \ttbwd=\wd\TestBox

\settabs \+\hskip\cyrwd &\hskip\cyrwd\quad &\hskip\ttawd &\hskip\ttawd\quad &\hskip\ttbwd &\hskip\ttbwd\cr

% \def\1 #1,#2;#3,#4;#5,#6<{\+{\cyr\ignorespaces#1% % &{\cyr\ignorespaces#2\hfil% % &\ignorespaces#3\hfil &\ignorespaces#4\hfil % &{\tt\ignorespaces#5\hfil&{\tt\ignorespaces#6\hfil

\setbox\BoxA=\vbox{\hsize=.45\hsize \tt \+{\cyr A&{\cyr a& |A| & |a| & & \cr \+{\cyr B&{\cyr b& |B| & |b| & & \cr \+{\cyr V&{\cyr v& |V| & |v| & & \cr \+{\cyr G&{\cyr g& |G| & |g| & & \cr \+{\cyr D&{\cyr d& |D| & |d| & & \cr \+{\cyr Dj&{\cyr dj& |Dj| & |dj| & D1 & d1\cr \+{\cyr \’G&{\cyr \’g& |\’G| & |\’g| & & \cr \+{\cyr E&{\cyr e& |E| & |e| & & \cr \+{\cyr \"E&{\cyr \"e& |\"E| & |\"e| & & \cr \+{\cyr \=E&{\cyr \=e& |\=E| & |\=e| & E2 & e2\cr \+{\cyr Zh&{\cyr zh& |Zh| & |zh| & Z1 & z1\cr \+{\cyr Z&{\cyr z& |Z| & |z| & & \cr \+{\cyr I&{\cyr i& |I| & |i| & & \cr \+{\cyr \=I&{\cyr \=\i& |\=I| & |\=\i| & I1 & i1\cr \+{\cyr \"I&{\cyr \"\i& |\"I| & |\"\i| & & \cr \+{\cyr J&{\cyr j& |J| & |j| & & \cr \+{\cyr \u I&{\cyr \u\i& |\u I| & |\u\i| & & \cr \+{\cyr K&{\cyr k& |K| & |k| & & \cr \+{\cyr L&{\cyr l& |L| & |l| & & \cr \+{\cyr Lj&{\cyr lj& |Lj| & |lj| & L1 & l1\cr \+{\cyr M&{\cyr m& |M| & |m| & & \cr \+{\cyr N&{\cyr n& |N| & |n| & & \cr \+{\cyr Nj&{\cyr nj& |Nj| & |nj| & N1 & n1\cr \+{\cyr O&{\cyr o& |O| & |o| & & \cr \+{\cyr P&{\cyr p& |P| & |p| & & \cr % end \BoxA

\setbox\BoxB=\vbox{\hsize=.45\hsize \tt \+{\cyr R&{\cyr r& |R| & |r| & & \cr \+{\cyr S&{\cyr s& |S| & |s| & & \cr \+{\cyr T&{\cyr t& |T| & |t| & & \cr \+{\cyr \’C&{\cyr \’c& |\’C| & |\’c| & C1 & c1\cr \+{\cyr \’K&{\cyr \’k& |\’K| & |\’k| & & \cr \+{\cyr U&{\cyr u& |U| & |u| & & \cr \+{\cyr \u U&{\cyr \u u& |\u U| & |\u u| & & \cr \+{\cyr F&{\cyr f& |F| & |f| & & \cr \+{\cyr Kh&{\cyr kh& |Kh| & |kh| & H & h\cr \+{\cyr Ts&{\cyr ts& |Ts| & |ts| & C & c\cr \+{\cyr Ch&{\cyr ch& |Ch| & |ch| & Q & q\cr \+{\cyr \Dzh&{\cyr \dzh& |\Dzh| & |\dzh| & D2 & d2\cr \+{\cyr Sh&{\cyr sh& |Sh| & |sh| & X & x\cr \+{\cyr Shch&{\cyr shch& |Shch| & |shch| & W & w\cr \+{\cyr \Cdprime&{\cyr \cdprime& |\Cdprime| & |\cdprime| & P2 & p2\cr \+{\cyr Y&{\cyr y& |Y| & |y| & & \cr \+{\cyr \Cprime&{\cyr \cprime& |\Cprime| & |\cprime| & P1 & p1\cr \+{\cyr \‘E&{\cyr \‘e& |\‘E| & |\‘e| & E1 & e1\cr \+{\cyr Yu&{\cyr yu& |Yu| & |yu| & J2 & j2\cr \+{\cyr Ya&{\cyr ya& |Ya| & |ya| & J1 & j1\cr \+{\cyr \Dz&{\cyr \dz& |\Dz| & |\dz| & D3 & d3\cr \+{\cyr N0& & & & N0 & \cr \+{\cyr <& & |<| & & & \cr \+{\cyr >& & |>| & & & \cr \+\hbox to \hsize{\cr % end \BoxB


\bigskip \normalbaselines

\noindent In addition to the input codes shown in the table, the code |\cydot| is used between letters that ordinarily become ligatures to indicate that they are really separate letters. For example, |t\cydot s|${\mapsto{${\cyr t\cydot s (in transliteration, t\cydot s) as opposed to |ts|${\mapsto{${\cyr ts.


\noindent {\bf Technical notes:\ \ The names of the AMS cyrillic fonts begin with the letters “|MC|” (for “Math Society cyrillic”). Only |MCYR| (lightface) is available at present, but several other styles are under construction: |MCB| (bold), |MCSS| (sans serif), |MCSSB| (bold sans serif), and others may be added from time to time. These fonts were prepared using {\smc Metafont79. In addition to the font files, the file |CYRACC.DEF| must also be input for the complete cyrillic alphabet to be usable according to these instructions.


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